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Ati Radeon Sapphire 9000 Driver Download

카테고리 없음

by skinkotreref1986 2020. 2. 17. 06:52


I actually found the solution i have been looking for for quite a while on another board. I installed the 'omega' 3rd party drivers from XP, using compatibility mode. Rebooting now to see if that helped. Version 4.8.442I just want multi monitor support again, if XP can do it, so can 7.GOT MIRRORED screen now!!


Thats better, now if I can make my desk 'extended' we're in business.Win 7 says 'ATI Control panel has compatibility issues. Search online for solution??' Sure, but it won't find a solution.

HahaNOW I can extend my desk to two monitors. And it seems to work ok. Just like it always did before.


Radeon 9000 Windows 7 Driver

Yeha!!Find the omega drivers at omegadrivers-dot-net.